Household Chores & Hobbies:
Gossip Page


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For the Lads

Can't do this at home

For the Ladies


Audit etiquette

Human Brain

Who in their right minds has ever enjoyed doing a chore?
Household chores have never been something that men look forward to. It is mainly forced upon. Even though they know it has to be done, they will try and weasel out of accomplishing it.

The chores on this page would make men, want to do it all the time... the chores that is.

  Spot of Gardening? Hate mowing lawns? Being forced, or under pressure to commit to this task? Think Sunday mornings are for lying in? Well, you are quite right!

Young Dick here, loves mowing lawns ever since he discovered this magical bush. Not a soul knows why he gets the urge to trim this Triangular Thatch. However, everyone is happy as there is no need to prompt Little Dick to do so.

As for the lying in, he can barley go to sleep, as he is so excited. He is just rearing to trim that bush, and ensure that it stays healthy the organic way.

Don't you wish you could have your own wonder bush to trim???

Keep that Bush under control!!
  Gossiping : If it weren't for gossiping , we wouldn't be getting our daily source of wisdom like, what happened in East Enders!
Mainly gossip has always been useful for making one feel better from the knowledge of others suffering... and of course it gives you a good topic of conversation when you are having tea.
One of the best hobbies ever.

Sport that Relaxes us:

  How's about a game of Golf? Golf is often associated with dexterity, concentration and your frame of mind. Here on this golf course, things are different. You still definitely need skill, focus and the right frame of mind. In this case, there aren't 18 holes, however you can get a 69, depending on the angle you look into it...

A riveting game. You definitely will back for more, they always have...

Hole in one??