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Questions & Answers:
Q: What's got 500 legs and no pubic hair?
A: The front row at a Boyzone concert.

Q: What does Joan Collins put behind her ears to attract men?
A: Her feet.
Q: What is the difference between a frog and a horny toad?
A: One says ribbit ribbit, the other one says rub-it rub-it!

Q: What is the politically correct name for Lesbian
A: "Vagitarian"

Q: What have women and condoms got in common?
A: If they're not on your dick they're in your wallet.

Q: What do Kodak and condoms have in common?
A: They both capture the moment.

Q: What's the difference between PMT and BSE?
A: One's mad cow's disease and the other's an agricultural problem.

Q: Why don't blind people skydive?
A: It scares the shit out of the dog.

Q. How do you know when you are getting old?
A. When you start having dry dreams and wet farts.

Q. What do women and prawns have in common?
A. There heads are full of shit but the pink bits taste great

A couple hobbled into a Washington emergency room covered in bloody
restaurant towels .The man had his around his waist, and the woman had
hers around her head. They eventually explained to doctors that they had gone out that evening for a romantic dinner. Overcome with passion, the woman crept under the table to administer oral sex to the man.While in the act, she had an epileptic fit, which caused her to clamp down on the man's member and wrench it from side to side. In agony and desperation, the man grabbed a fork and stabbed her in the head until she let go.

Grany's Dil:
A little old lady, a little into her sixties slowly enters the front door of an erotic sex shop. Obviously very unstable on her feet, she shakily hobbles the few feet across the store to the counter. Finally arriving at the counter and grabbing it for support, she asks the sales clerk:

"Ddddooo youuuu hhhave dddddildosss?"

The clerk, politely trying not to burst out laughing, replies: "Yes we do have dildos. Actually we carry many models."

The old woman then asks: "Dddddoooo yyyouuuu hhhave aaa pppinkk one, tttenn inchessss lllong aaandd aabboutt tttwoo inchesss thththiiickkk? I'm spoiled and they're my favorites..."

The clerk responds, "Yes we do".

"Ccccccannnn yyyyouuuu tttelll mmmmeeee hhhhowwww ttttoooo ttturrrnnn ttthe ffffuucccckkkkinggg
tttthinggg offffff???"